Learning at Work Week

Learning at Work Week 2020 takes place from 5th – 11th October on the theme ‘Learning Journeys.

As a leader, what are you doing to promote learning journeys in your workplace? What did you last learn?  Was it planned or ad-hoc?

With so many learning options and opportunities available, the choice can be confusing.  How do you decide what your employees need and what your business needs?  The dichotomy between what is needed and what is wanted can be huge.

Some employers give their staff autonomy and choice – the ability to decide what they want to learn, sometimes a topic totally unrelated to their job role, for example pottery or yoga and the employer pays for this, recognising the added benefits that the employee brings back to the workplace.

Others will seek out the free courses – those with the pop-up adds and perhaps dubious content – the unverified YouTube clips from budding amateurs.

The best leaders and employers offer their employees a range of blended learning opportunities – mixing in the mandatory and optional training – all based on the needs of the business and the employees and selecting quality assured and verified content.

A training needs analysis coupled with the company’s business plan and projected needs is a great starting point – how many businesses actually carry out such an analysis though? If you haven’t considered the need for a training needs analysis, how do you know what training is needed, who has qualifications or certifications that need renewing, what new skills and knowledge you need your employees to have in order that your business can stay ahead of the competition, survive and thrive?

For more information about training needs analysis, how we can help you maximise your training budget and ensure you are on the right learning journey, while meeting the requirements of your business and your employees, get in touch.

Call: 01379 308690

Email: Mary@corporategrowth.org

Web: corporategrowth.org

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